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Anchor 2

The efforts to delegitimize Israel are heating up on our nation’s college campuses. To fight back with the truth, we need you to launch an official CUFI on Campus chapter and take back the narrative concerning Israel on your campus. 


Our desire is to equip you with every tool you need to launch your CUFI on Campus chapter.


Find what you need below! 


CUFI Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide Christian student leaders with the skills, resources, relationships, and biblical teachings they need in order to speak up on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people at this crucial time.


CUFI on Campus is a national initiative of Christians United for Israel that was founded in 2007.  As anti-Semitic activity on American college campuses has steadily increased, CUFI recognizes that Christian students have a responsibility to speak up on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people.

Mission Statment

General Student Organization Requirements

  • A minimum number of members/executive board members who are all currently enrolled at your University;

  • Non-discriminatory membership (open to all students);

  • Cannot duplicate any other club’s mission;

  • Have a Constitution;

  • Have a Mission Statement:

  • Disclose if you are part of a national organization;

  • Comply with all relevant University policies, procedures, rules, regulations and guidelines and support the educational mission of the University;

  • Thoughtful and reasonable budget;

  • Have an official email, phone number, and website (if applicable).

  • A campus/university employee to serve as an adviser (if applicable, check terms of who can serve as an adviser)


Steps to Create a Student Organization

Go to your campus administration’s website and see what is required to start a chapter at your university. Other important things to note while on that website are:

  1. If you are allowed to table without being an established club, this is a great way to recruit and get your name out there!
  2. If your campus hosts a Club rush week, participate and advertise that you want to start a chapter.  

  3. Research what type of clubs are on your campus:

    • Jewish clubs

    • Political club

    • Other Christian Clubs/Bible Studies/Organizations

    • Other Social Justice Clubs/Groups.

    • Call up your CUFI on Campus coordinator and report all that you've researched.

  4. Recruit members to hit the minimum chapter requirement!

    • Reach out to the Hillel/Jewish groups on campus to see if they have heard of students (especially Christian students) who might be interested in helping you start a chapter.

  5. Draft emails to other Christian, political, and social justice groups on campus asking if you can. Make an announcement at the beginning or end of their meeting about the formation of your chapter (always bring a sign-up sheet)

  6. Take the president and/or vice-president of other potential partner chapters out to coffee. Talk about your organizations' missions, how you can partner on events in the future, and if they know of anyone who might be interested in joining your chapter.

  7. Get the leadership boards of different organizations to attend a leadership breakfast/lunch/dinner where you can present your cause, who you are, and why you want to start a CUFI on Campus chapter.

  8. Meet with Student Government representatives to introduce yourself, your mission, and see if they know of any other like-minded people who’d like to join your club.

  9. Grab some friends and ask them if they want to go through the Nehemiah Generation Small Group Studies to help them see why Israel is relevant to them!

  10. Table!

  11. Walk around Campus with a sign-up sheet. You never know when an impromptu opportunity will arise to talk about Israel.

  12. If your regional coordinator is in the area, grab some friends that are on the fence and have them meet up with you and your coordinator for coffee! It’s a great time to answer all their questions!

  13. Get an academic advisor. Start with asking the Jewish community on campus if they know of a faculty member who would like to help you establish a chapter. If you don't have a Jewish community, then some good places to start looking are:

    • Hebrew Language Studies

    • Jewish Studies Department

    • Middle East Studies Department

    • Religious Studies Department

    • SGA (Student Government Association) - a senator can send an email for you to all faculty members.

  14. If there is a fee to start your chapter, reach out to the community! Local churches, Jewish Community Centers, and local synagogues are your best bet for fundraising!

  15. If you live in a dorm, reach out to your RA to see if you can do a floor/dorm event introducing your club.

  16. Throughout it all, keep in touch with your regional coordinator and update them on anything and everything! We love hearing from you!

Create a Chapter

What to Look for in an Academic Advisor

  • Make a commitment to the club and attend club meetings for a specific period of time each week.

  • Is thoroughly aware of the nature and objectives of the club.

  • Is knowledgeable about Israel, up to date with current events related to Israel, is passionate about the topic, and can answer/help explain any difficult questions/topics.

  • Assist students in setting, developing, and clarifying realistic plans for the school year.

  • Monitor your club’s progress, encourage and stimulate the involvement of all students, and encourage teamwork and cooperation among all members.

  • Pass along any new/beneficial information.

  • Doesn't micro-manage.

  • Monitor financial practices, ensure they comply with state/college policies regarding club expenditures, and sign any paperwork authorizing such expenditures.

  • Develop a positive, collaborative working relationship with the Office of Student Life and Administration.

  • Stand against any forms of anti-Semitism, harassment, discrimination, or hate speech while helping you present your case against such acts to the administration.

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Suggestions for Recruitment

  1. Christian Organizations (Cru, Chi Alpha, Intervarsity, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Young Life, etc)

  2. Political Organizations (College Democrats, College Republicans, Young Americans for Liberty, Turning Point USA, pro-Life groups)

  3. Jewish/pro-Israel clubs (Hillel, Chabad, AIPAC, SWU, SSI, AIPAC, CAMERA, etc)

  4. International clubs

  5. History clubs

  6. Business clubs

  7. Academic clubs/groups

  8. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) clubs

  9. Environmental clubs/organizations


Chapter Materials

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