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The persecution of Christians in the Middle East is reaching epic proportions. Thousands of men, women and children are being slaughtered for their faith in Jesus. Hundreds of churches have been burned to the ground. Christian communities that date back to the time of Christ have been decimated. The CUFI on Campus #RaiseYourVoice campaign is designed to enable students to raise awareness among Christian students and campus leaders about this crucial issue.

#RaiseYourVoice enables students to give a voice to persecuted Christians who are not being heard and whose stories are not being told in the media. #RaiseYourVoice also builds a deeper sense of connection with Israel by sharpening awareness among American Christians that the Jewish and Christian people are under attack by a common enemy. Because the Christian population is safe and thriving in Israel, CUFI on Campus students are able to explain what makes Israel different, illustrating the friendship between Christians and Jews to a broader audience that has yet to recognize our deep, biblical connection.

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